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Ohm64 Beta is out to testers...

I've finished a preliminary version of the new Ohm64 remote script for Ableton Live.  Its accompanied with a new version of Monodular which integrates the Ohm64 with the other controllers that work as Monomod controllers.

It's out to the testers...time for a beer and some kick-back.  I'll try to get some videos out in the next coupla days.


  1. Send me details about your system setup (OS, Live/MaxMSP versions, machine, Livid hardware)...I already have several beta testers, but I still need someone on Windows.

  2. my system setup are
    PC with amd athlon xp (single core), 2gb of system memory running on windows7 profesional and winXP professional on the other partition. i also use Ableton Live 8.1.1 with Max4live and max 5 installed and i use ohm64 wood.
    it is possible for me to be a beta tester?? since im running a whole things in a windows based pc (win7&winxp) :D
