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Some observations about the 8.22 update and m4l

Just a quick note...I've spent last night fixing some things that got broken with the most recent updates of Max and Live, and I thought I might mention a few things that I found.

I was very disappointed at first that all of my LCD patches were broken for my controllers.  That is:  it was no longer possible to get the actual value of a parameter by calling an objects 'mapped_parameter' from a 'control' in 'control_surfaces'.  Instead of giving you the parameter value (e.g. '-23 db' instead of the 0.0 to 1.0 that you can get from parsing it from the 'live_set'), it gives you the idea of the mapped parameter in the live_set.  After mucking about with it for a while, I realized this would do me no good in this instance, because there is no current way now to get this info ('-23 db' instead of float 0. to 1.). 

However, this is great news:  this means that most of the work I did in the Python scripts to gain backend access to the scripts is now unnecessary, as you can do all of this stuff directly in m4l.  I think this means I'll be able to ammend the Ohm64 scripts to make them much more readable and configurable in the future.

As far as the problem of getting the verbose value of a control, that has been managed within my Python scripts now.  Its very annoying to me that this information STILL is not available to the user from within m4l as a standard asset, but at least there is a workaround.  I'll continue working as time permits, and hopefully have some updates in coming weeks.

There are a lot of other features in the new updates that should make my patches much more efficient at what they do, so I'm hoping to have a little time to spend on them.

Cheers :)



  1. awesome work as always! haven't delved too much into 8.2.2 and the new m4l update, it kept crashing on me, crashed during a show with an MC and one of the MCs beats completely disappeared from the live set. have you had any stability issues?

  2. There are new scripts in the works....I've been using them for a while without any stability issues. Putting the finishing touches on the iPad and Ohm64 scripts this very moment, so hopefully I can publish them this week.
