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Some closure(s)

Yeah, sorry, the title is misleading....what I MEAN is, I'd been having trouble figuring out a way to port the iPad Nameserver (for clip names) over to Python without writing overrides for every part of the _Framework session components.  Soooo, that's what has been taking so long.  I did a little bit of studying yesterday and discovered a way to hack the _Framework scripts by using a simple closure in the top Class, so hopefully I'll have the basic functionality of the iPad script finished this evening.  Again, this is a lovely little technique will avail most of you in hacking the _Framework scripts without having to write an override for the base-level components/controls.  I'll probably begin using in other places as well if I don't find any good reason not to (anyone know a good reason not to?).

I'd love to have some testers for this stuff, so if you have an iPad or an Ohm64 and the desire to manually install some components, the current versions are on svn.  I'll have  a new version of the AumPad script up as soon as I finish writing the new NameServer portion of the scripts. 

There are a lot of piddly little details that need to be ammended, but I haven't ran into any major problems with any of it (I've had the current version running on my Live rig for about 5 days straight with no reboots and no crashes). 

Plans (in order):  finish and publish iPad script to svn,  record some tutorial videos, publish a package with all the finished scripts, start working on a Block script.


  1. ok i downloaded the "pre" scripts from svn.
    preliminary testing looks good.

    i'll get back to you @ the weekend.

  2. awesome....let me know how things go for you. The official release is getting documented now, and will be out shortly :)

