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First off, it comes to my attention that I've not been clear about something regarding how to install Monomodular:


Not just the script for your particular controller (MonOhm, AumPad, BlockPad, etc. ad naseum), but also the Monomodular script.  I've ran across several users lately that were having trouble because of this (quite frankly, nothing will work without it).

The good news is that I've created an installer for OSX that, with a little guidance from you, will put all the relevant files exactly where they are supposed to go.  Baby steps.  I'll get there eventually.  Windows users, unfortunately your still going to have to read the directions. Expect the b992 update to be packaged in this manner.

The next release is still a little ways off...I'm in the middle of building two plugins, writing a CS Script for the APC20, and modding the APC40 script.  I've also had some freelance work to do, so coding time has been limited to that lately.  Anyway, thanks to those of you that repeat my name a lot, you know who you are; apparently some people have been listening. 

I'm off to EarthDance in Vallejo this weekend to run sound for a truly awesome Bass-centric Electronic event....I've worked with less than half of the performers playing there, so in addition to seeing some old acquaintances, I'll be getting a dose of new music; I'm really looking forward to it!  As always, this is 'work' season for me, so free time and free stuff hit the backburner for a while....but fret not, I'm still working almost everyday, and the next release is going to have some really cool goodies in it for some of you.

Its funny: the idea of v.1.0 Monomodular gets closer on any day that I finish a release, and further away the very next when I think of new things that I want to add...someday soon, perhaps ;)


edit::  as an aside, its my intention to get a better svn repository working very soon. Not just with all of the frozen files (as it is currently, and is the reason I haven't and don't update it regularly), but instead the unfrozen patches with all their dependencies.  This was the intention at the outset, but requires time and a better file structure than what I'm currently using.  I know this would do at least one person some good (not including myself).


  1. Hi,
    First, thanks for all your work in it, it seems amazing !
    The thing is that i'm trying to use monomodular with my launchpad but nothing is happening.
    I dropped all the files to their corresponding folders according to your readme file.
    I selected monomodular in live's midi preferences (i also tried with launch mod selected) but when i press user1+user2 nothing is happening. I'm on live 8.2.6 - mac os 10.6.8.

    I also noticed that when automap is on it crashes live when you try to drop a monomod plugin.

    At the moment i'm using monomeemu but your solution seems far more powerful and stable !

  2. Hey Seb,

    You should have "monomodular" inserted with no input or output, "launchmod" inserted with launchpad assigned as it's in and outputs, and NO "Launchpad" inserted (all of this is in midi prefs under control surfaces). Try this out and get back to me...I'm working a festival right now so I'll be in touch when I get the chance.


  3. Hey amounra,
    Thanks for the answer and sorry for the late reply, i've been busy with work.

    It's working like a charm, i've tested it with 2 launchpads it runs perfectly.

    I still have a few questions though ..

    I tried to use monolink to run a M4L obo patch. The output from the patch is showing on the launchpad (if i press the grid on the patch i can see it on the launchpad) but it the input from the launchpad doesn't work (if i press a button on the launchpad nothing happens)

    I've understood how to switch between patch but the rest of the grid in session mode is still a mystery to me :-)

    Again, this is an amazing work, i'm impressed by the stability of it.

  4. Chances are that obo now uses serialosc, which (I don't think) is compatible with the MonoLink plugin. I'm planning tighter integration with the monome format later this year, but unfortunately I don't have the time right now. I'm hoping someone will send me a monome at some point so I can do all this stuff at once....

    In the meantime, I recommend finding an older version of obo that doesn't use serialosc. Also, make sure that your in/out addresses are correct. If you send me a copy of the version of obo that you're working with, I'll see if I can come up with something.

    Highly recommend checking out all the tutorial videos regarding how to get around with monomodular and the control surface scripts....there's some good information in there somewhere. Glad its working for you, spread the word :)

