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I've been unifying the MonomodComponent Python module so that the identical version can be used in every one of the controller scripts that I've made....this is for my own benefit, as it becomes excruciating modifying every one of the scripts individually, and the process is very prone to error.  Besides, I think this has something to do with the definitions of both 'portable' and 'modular'.

So, I've found a bunch of things that weren't happening correctly in the disconnect, and I've mostly fixed them in the 'living' version of the scripts that I'm using on the dev machine.  However, lots of things are happening in my life right now, so I won't be able to update anything for a while.  One nice thing is that the newer scripts are backwards compatible....I'm currently using the b922 versions of the Python perfectly easily with the b991 release versions of the m4l patches, and can hopefully keep it this way for a while.  As soon as I have a working, stable version of the new scripts, I'll add them to the b991 release and post something about it.

New features that I haven't mentioned (mostly bug fixes):

Controller no longer changes selected device when you change shift modes.

Controller now remembers assignment of last right_function_mode track, so that it basically just works as a 'memory' button now....if I assign the mixer in right mode 1 to track 5, it will go back to track 5 the next time I go to mode 1.  Same for modes 2 and 3. Eventually, I will add the Master and Return channels to the left mixer, so that they can be navigated to as well.

Disconnect calls no longer throw errors (which would cause major problems anytime you uninstalled/reinstalled a script, or if you opened the m4l editor window).

Various other little things....

IN OTHER NEWS:  getting ready for GAFFTA show next week, and really digging playing with all this stuff....but its hard to not stop every time I run into something I want to fix and do it right then.  I'm having to resort to little pieces of paper lol.  Anyway, I hope to at some point this weekend put together some video footage, so don't think I lied straight up last week when I said I would do it....its just (as always) taking a little longer than intended. 

Cheers :)


1 comment:

  1. Hey!

    "Controller no longer changes selected device when you change shift modes."
    Hmm did not see that one as a bug - i like it like that :-)

    "Controller now remembers assignment of last right_function_mode track"
    extra cool bonus points!

    "Disconnect calls no longer throw errors "
    did not have this prob on my win x64 machine.

    "I'm having to resort to little pieces of paper"
    Can't say i know what paper is anymore ;-)

    enjoy your week(+end) + gaffta.
    thanks as always for you work/dedication!
